10 Top tips for staying fit and healthy over Christmas
Diet & Nutrition, Exercise & Fitness Martin Ebner Diet & Nutrition, Exercise & Fitness Martin Ebner

10 Top tips for staying fit and healthy over Christmas

With Christmas fast approaching, boundless year-end social events, hangovers, mince pies and mulled wine are soon to become an almost daily occurrence. With so many temptations on your plate, there is without a doubt an overwhelming inclination to throw all your healthy eating habits and fitness routine out the window until the new year. Thankfully, with our top tips, you don't have to! You can still have fun whilst maintaining your health and fitness intact over the festive season.

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Fasted vs Fed: Weight Training

Fasted vs Fed: Weight Training

Intermittent fasting has been one of the most popular weight loss methods for years now, and for good reason. Not only can it help promote weight loss, some studies suggest that it can also reduce inflammation, promote cellular regeneration, improve insulin sensitivity, and boost brain function. It's clear to see why people love it so much!

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I Want to Want to Workout!
Exercise & Fitness, Lifestyle Martin Ebner Exercise & Fitness, Lifestyle Martin Ebner

I Want to Want to Workout!

Many of us enjoy the results of our fitness routines much more than the actual process. I'm often asked for tips on staying motivated to get to the gym or go for that run. For many of us, especially parents with young children, getting to the gym before work is nearly impossible. Life gets busy during the day and there are a million things that conspire to derail our commitment. Not to mention the pandemic.

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Carb loading before a big race? Here’s how to do it!

Carb loading before a big race? Here’s how to do it!

Carbohydrate-loading, also called carb-loading and carbo-loading is a fairly simple and easy-to-follow nutritional strategy to enhance your athletic and sporting performance during endurance events (90 + minutes) by increasing the amount of glycogen (the body’s preferred fuel source) stored in your muscles and liver.

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