The 5 Best All-natural Supplements to Boost Testosterone in Men 2024

Written by Stephanie Hodges, MS in Nutrition in Exercise Science, edited by Martin Ebner, head PT and sports nutrition specialist at Ebylife

Best all natural supplements to boost testosterone

Testosterone is a crucial hormone for men's health but naturally declines with age. If you want to stay healthy, build muscle strength and bone density, have a better libido, and improve your mood, then having adequate levels of testosterone is vital. Testosterone is a steroid hormone with anabolic (building-up) effects, therefore it’s also extremely important for muscle gain and muscle performance for active men and athletes. 

Fortunately, there are some great all-natural supplements that can help you increase testosterone levels. Read on, and we'll talk more about the importance of testosterone in men as well as explore some of the best testosterone-boosting supplements.

What is the Purpose of Testosterone in the Body?

Both men and women have testosterone, but for all the guys out there, it is definitely the most vital sex hormone. Testosterone is produced in the testes and is responsible for many processes and changes a boy goes through during puberty

Along with healthy development and growth during puberty, testosterone remains a vital hormone throughout a man's life. Testosterone helps regulate:

  • Sex drive or libido

  • Sperm quality and production

  • Facial and body hair

  • Muscle mass

  • Bone Density

  • Energy level

Levels of testosterone in the body fluctuate over the course of each day and throughout a man's lifetime. Longitudinal studies have shown that serum testosterone levels decline by an average of 1.6% per year while bioavailable levels fall 2-3% per year. In addition, 20% of men over the age of 60 have total testosterone below the normal range. That low-T number rises to around 50% for those older than 80!

When there is inadequate production of testosterone from the testicles, the condition is known as male hypogonadism. The associated symptoms of low testosterone in adulthood include decreased sex drive, low energy, and depression. Eventually, hypogonadism can lead to serious problems like erectile dysfunction, infertility, lower muscle mass, and osteoporosis. 

If you think you may suffer from low-T or hypogonadism, you should of course consult with your doctor or nearest health care professional. Other medical conditions could be causing your symptoms, but a physician can confirm the root cause and best treatment plan for you. Once you're in the clear, you'll want to check out these natural testosterone-boosting supplements.

5 Supplements That Are Natural Testosterone Boosters

When it comes to hormone replacement therapy, the results of testosterone treatments are mixed and have been associated with some negative side effects. The most severe concerns are that you could potentially increase your risk of developing cardiovascular problems and prostate cancer. 

Instead of opting for one of the higher-risk therapies or treatments for addressing low testosterone levels, it could be worth first supplementing with natural ingredients instead to see if you experience any benefits. The following supplements provide your body with vital micronutrients that have multiple health benefits in addition to boosting testosterone levels.

Vitamin D

There's been a lot of talk lately about Vitamin D deficiency and the negative impact that has on our health. Vitamin D is essential for bone health and may prevent some cancers. Actually, vitamin D deficiency has been linked to a whole host of health conditions! 

In addition, some studies have shown that the male reproductive tract is a target tissue for Vitamin D, and supplementation can boost total testosterone levels. This is yet another reason to make sure you get the recommended intake of Vitamin D3. 

You can get Vitamin D by being exposed to the sun or consuming foods like fatty fish, liver, and fortified foods. However, because there are a limited number of foods that naturally provide Vitamin D and parts of the world, where sun exposure is limited, many people choose to supplement. You can get your fill of Vitamin D3 by taking the Men's Multi or PL-Immune supplements by Performance Lab. Both include an optimal 25mcg per serving.


Zinc is an essential mineral involved in cellular metabolism. It plays a role in immune function, protein synthesis, wound healing, normal growth and development, and more. You may also be familiar with zinc lozenges and supplements as common prevention and treatment of colds.

Moderate to severe zinc deficiency is also tied to hypogonadism. Some research discovered that "serum testosterone concentrations were significantly correlated with cellular zinc concentrations." 

The body doesn't have a storage system for zinc, so it's important to consume enough of this vital mineral on a daily basis. The Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for males over the age of 18 is 11mg per day. Again, the Men's Multi and PL-Immune supplements by Performance Lab both contain zinc to help you meet this recommendation.

D-Aspartic acid

Aspartic acid is an amino acid that is found in two different forms. Although aspartic acid is a non-essential amino acid, meaning it's naturally produced in the body, supplementation can help increase the levels in your body. While L-aspartic acid builds proteins, D-aspartic acid plays a role in maintaining hormones, which includes increasing testosterone production. 

The research is mixed as to whether D-aspartic acid can increase testosterone in active men. A controlled clinical trial with healthy men between ages 27-37 showed that a daily dose of D-aspartate over 12 enhanced testosterone release. However, a 28-day trial with adult men who were consistently strength training showed no effect on testosterone levels. 

You can take a D-aspartic acid supplement or consume foods with a good supply of this amino acid. Some of the top sources include beef, chicken, nectarines, oysters, and eggs.

Omega-3 DHA

High-quality omega-3 essential fatty acids benefit your overall health. EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) omega-3s are long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids that 

  • support cardiovascular health

  • maintain healthy brain and nervous system performance

  • support protein synthesis and muscle preservation

But do omega-3 supplements also affect testosterone? One analysis looked at the testosterone levels in overweight and obese men and women without diabetes and how those levels changed after supplementing with fish oil. Researchers found "DHA-enriched fish oil supplementation increased total testosterone levels in males after adjusting for baseline levels, age and BMI."

Another study showed that fish oil and CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) increased testosterone synthesis and may help boost athletic performance for both endurance and resistance training. Check out the PL algae-sourced Omega-3 supplement containing DHA and EPA.


Another essential mineral is magnesium. Magnesium is necessary for healthy bones and cardiovascular systems. On the other end, low levels may be linked to anxiety, migraine headaches, and increased risk of type 2 diabetes. 

Magnesium may also help increase testosterone levels from a deficiency to a normal state in some cases. A four-week study where subjects were given magnesium supplements showed an increase in total and free testosterone. 

Magnesium has become known for its role in sleep regulation and is contained in PL-Sleep. Sleep has also been cited as a great natural way to boost testosterone levels, so you'll get a double benefit with this magnesium and sleep-enhancing mineral supplement.

The Best All-in-one Testosterone Supplement

If you prefer to get all of your testosterone boosting ingredients from a single supplement, we recommend Hunter Test. With 9 potent and clinically dosed ingredients, Hunter Test is a great supplement for those looking to boost their testosterone naturally.

Hunter Test ingredients: D-Aspartic Acid, Vitamin D and K2, Ginseng Ashwagandha, Boron Chelate, Zinc, Indole-3-Carbinol and Magnesium.

All well as being all-natural and stimulant-free, Hunter Test is manufactured in gold-standard facilities in the USA and UK and is in-line with the FDA’s Current Good Manufacture Practice (cGMP) regulations.

Read our full review Hunter Test

Benefits of Testosterone

As men age, hormone levels will naturally fluctuate and it's likely that many men will need some assistance to increase testosterone levels. This is nothing to be embarrassed about. Testosterone has many benefits that range from enhancing muscle growth to sexual health to overall energy and well-being.

As you consider the benefits of testosterone, you're better off avoiding the risks and potential side effects of hormone therapy – which has mixed results and reviews. Instead, check out the best testosterone booster supplements mentioned in this article that provide tons of additional health benefits as they help increase testosterone levels.

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