Fit for You: The Complete Guide to Choosing the Right Gym

Written by Martin Ebner, head Personal trainer at Ebylife

How to choose a gym

Whether it’s your first gym membership or you're looking to move, it's vitally important to take the time to find the right gym for you. It could literally make the difference between building a successful long-term fitness routine and another fitness fiasco!

In fact, according to fitness industry market research, over 66.5 million Americans, with a notable increase of 3.8% in participation rate compared to previous years, started attending a health club or studio in 2021. This statistic underscores the growing recognition of the importance of fitness, making it even more crucial to choose a gym that supports your goals and provides a positive environment.

As I always say, the key to forming any sort of fitness routine is to create a collection of positive experiences, not negative ones. Your environment plays a major role in that. Here's what to consider when choosing a gym.

The vibe

With 20 + years of experience training at different gyms all over the world, I can say with certainty that the overall vibe of the gym is crucial. But what makes up the vibe? Let me give you an example:

I currently train at a gym called Mcfit in Barcelona. It's one of the best gyms I've ever been a member of. It’s not fancy and it has its flaws but don't we all? What I like so much about this particular gym is that they've nailed their vibe. They’re all about strength training and building muscle. Everyone there is extremely friendly and fit. There's very little ego and there's an unspoken appreciation for lifting heavy things. It feels like a collective push and there’s an energy to support that. It's inspiring, not intimidating. The lighting is absurdly complimentary and makes everyone there feel like a superhero. I could go on and on but I’m sure you get my point. While all gyms have flaws and it’s perfectly normal to have your doubts, if the overall vibe doesn’t match yours, it probably won’t work.

Try before you buy

You wouldn’t buy a new car or wedding dress without trying it first and the same should apply to your potential new gym. All good gyms should offer a free trial to all potential members and while you may be tempted to commit to a long-term membership plan buying before trying, don't. Even if the gym doesn't offer a free trial, buy a day pass and give it a thorough spin. You'll find out almost everything you need to know with a simple day pass.


Location, location, location! It’s crucial to choose a gym that is easily accessible. Yes, there might be a new state-of-the-art gym on the other side of the city but your good intentions of the daily cross-city commute will fade fast and you'll end up paying for a gym membership you don't use. Instead, choose a gym preferably within walking of your home or workplace. The fewer barriers to entry you have, the less chance you have of talking yourself out of a workout. Make it as easy as possible to go!

Opening hours

Make sure to check out the opening hours. It makes little sense to join a gym that’s open half days on Saturdays and closed on Sundays if weekends are the only time you have free to exercise. Also, check out their holiday policies. I'm in Barcelona and they're extremely committed to their public holidays here. I lost count of the number of times I turned up to my previous gym ready to smash a workout only to find it closed.


How to choose the right gym equipmen

Knowing your fitness goals when looking for a new gym will help you properly analyze the equipment you'll need. If cardio is your priority, make sure the gym has adequate cardiovascular equipment for all of its users. If you love squats and bench presses, make sure the gym has multiple of both. My current gym has 8 bench presses and 5 squat racks so I never have to wait.

As well as equipment selection, make sure to take a look at the quality and maintenance of the equipment. If half of the machines are out of order or on their last legs, it's worth consideration.

Member demographic

You get a great sense of the gym vibe by the sort of members it attracts. Have a look around. What is the member demographic? Is it full of bodybuilders? Influencers? Pretend exercisers? You know the type. Those who are somehow able to simultaneously scroll social media and use the leg press. You want to be inspired by your fellow members, not constantly rolling your eyes at them.

My last gym who’s name will remain anonymous was considered one of the most exclusive gym chains in Barcelona but it was so uninspiring. I was always the fittest person there. Most people were unfriendly, even angry, the staff were arrogant and unwelcoming and there was no collective enthusiasm. A place to be seen at but not enjoyed. They also charged me an exorbitant amount of money to join and then a minimum 6-month contract. But hey, if that’s your vibe, embrace it!

Friendly staff

Whether you’re an in-and-out sort of person or a serial gym socialiser, a scoff from the gym reception is not exactly the best way to start a workout. While I certainly don't need the red carpet rolled out for me upon arrival, a simple “hola” when I arrive and an “hasta luego” when I leave certainly doesn't hurt.

If you find the gym staff are not only rude and unfriendly, they’re unapproachable, especially those on the gym floor (the personal trainers), you might want to consider a different gym. If you're a new exerciser and afraid to ask for help, it's a red flag.


Gyms if not cleaned properly can be a cesspool of germs. No need to get out your microscope, just make sure to have a look around the gym, changing rooms, toilets and amenities. Good gyms should have easily accessible disinfectant sprays and paper towels so that members can wipe down equipment after use.

Gym Amenities

Depending on what you’re looking for specifically, it might well be worth considering gyms with the following amenities:

Sauna and steam room

While many of us don’t have the time to regularly indulge in a sauna or steam post-workout, it can be a lovely treat if you have some extra time on your hands.

Group Fitness Classes

Most gyms should offer a variety of group fitness classes. Make sure when trying out a gym to see the class options and schedule. Even if don’t intend on using them, these classes might come in handy during moments of low motivation or when you want to try something new.


Some gyms offer free childcare facilities. If you think you might need to take the little ones with you, this is worth considering.

Dining facilities

While you’re unlikely to take a first date to your gym canteen, it’s worth checking out the menu. If you exercise before work, it could be nice to have access to a healthy breakfast before heading to the office.


How to choose the right gym music

Does the gym play music? And if so, how loud is it? While some people might enjoy death metal playing at full blast whilst squatting, I certainly don't! If the music is so loud that you can’t hear your own music (or thoughts) through your headphones, it may be worth considering a different gym. While it may seem like a minor detail, it’s something that so many gyms get wrong. Over time, it can get very annoying.

Payment options and cancellation

A good gym should have a few different payment and membership options. If the only option is a 12-month contract, forget it. A lot can happen in a year and you don’t want to be stuck paying for something you can’t use.

Off-peak memberships

If you plan on using the gym only during off-peak hours (normally between 10 am and 4 pm or after 8 pm), ask about off-peak memberships. It’s a cheaper option.

Read reviews online

This seems pretty obvious but make sure to check out the reviews online. If there’s a point that is consistently highlighted in the reviews, It could be a sign that the gym doesn’t listen to customer feedback.


While we all have our preferences when it comes to choosing a gym, it’s important to spend a little time doing your due diligence. If you commit to the first one you find, you may end up unhappy with your decision which might ultimately cause you not to go. While many of the points in the article may not be relevant to you, choose the most important aspects and go over them when you’re considering which gym to join.

While you may think that all gyms are created equally, they’re not and which one you chose could ultimately help you build a long and successful workout routine.

Personal training in Barcelona

At Ebylife we want to help you build and implement a successful training program. We know just how hard it can be. That’s why we offer fully customised training plans at your gym of choice in Barcelona. We’re also English speaking so there’s no language barrier to get between you and bigger biceps or bum or both. 

We offer our in-person personal training sessions in Barcelona and Sant Cugat.

Interested in getting started? Book a 15-minute online consultation today.

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